New avatar series zuko
New avatar series zuko

new avatar series zuko

He has mellowed out since "The Waterbending Masters," but still is fairly conservative in terms of his beliefs, such as that the Water Tribes' patriarchy isn't going to change in Katara's lifetime. This ranges from embarrassing but well-intentioned attempts to be a "cool dad," to trying to get Zuko to break up with Katara.

new avatar series zuko

Hakoda's significantly more involved in his children's lives after the end of the main series, for better or worse.Certain canon scenes are expanded on, as during the leadup to the Agni Kai between Zuko and Azula, Zuko and Katara go to find a place to leave Appa, and there's additional dialogue between Zuko and Azula before the fight. Adaptation Expansion: The fanfic expands on what happens between episodes, in part to allow for more interaction between Zuko and Katara.Whereas canon portrays their post-war relationship as a flawed but generally happy romance, here the aftermath of the kiss has both parties upset by it and they agree to remain platonic. Here, the kiss occurs not because Katara reciprocates Aang's feelings but because Katara's been put under an enormous amount of pressure to partner with either Aang or Hahn and told she realistically has no other options for her future, and so is trying to make herself accept a romantic relationship with him. Adaptational Context Change: In canon Aang's and Katara's relationship by the end of the war is portrayed as a naturally occurring, unforced, sincerely reciprocated romance, with their Big Damn Kiss in the last scene of the show confirming their relationship.This becomes especially prominent in Not Stalking Firelord Zuko, wherein Aang is raked over the coals for the potentially disasterous consequences of his decision with Ozai and subject to more than one "The Reason You Suck" Speech. Accusation Fic: The author isn't shy about having serious problems with the writing for Aang's character and arc towards the end of Season 3, and a significantly present sideplot throughout Not Stalking Zuko and Not Stalking Firelord Zuko is him being confronted on and dealing with the flaws in his character that the author believes weren't satisfactorily addressed in canon.

New avatar series zuko